When deciding on which dance school to enroll, there are many factors to take into consideration.
Why choose Storm Dance Alliance?
- Dedicated, Top Tier, Caring, Professionally Trained Faculty
- Over 10,000 square feet of dedicated dance space
- 8 Large Dance Studios
- Each room has zoned temperature control/air conditioned
- Large one-way viewing windows for parent observation
- Close circuit cameras for student safety while dancing and parent viewing
- Multitudes of Classes available for ages 18 months to adult in many genres
- Fully stocked Pro Shop
- Items include shoes, leotards, tights, dance pants, boy’s attire, hair accessories, dance tops, dance bags, and much more
- Full line of SDA logo apparel
- Snack bar to provide children food options during busy dance days
- Over 90 parking spaces available
- Caring and Friendly Atmosphere
- Receptionist on duty at all times when the studio is open
- Home of the National Award-Winning Storm Dance Alliance Pre Professional Competitive Dance Company, Intensity Company, and Lightning Hip Hop Team
- Winter Nutcracker Performance, Holiday Charity Show, & Spring Recital Performance
5 Reasons Why SDA Should Be Your Studio
- Smaller Class Sizes: Our smaller class sizes for our Pre-School Dance and Academy Training Program allow students to get more individual instruction from teachers, and as a result progress at a faster level than in a large class environment. Our smaller class sizes also ensure that the teacher can catch any problems before they turn into bad habits or improper techniques.
- Variety of Dance Styles & Methods: Highly qualified teachers with varied training and teaching methods are available to teach a broad range of dance formats. We offer many genres of classes for ALL ages of dance, from our tiny dancers to adult classes.
- Our Dance Studio Advantage: The “Floating” Professional Dance Floor. Our “Floating” Dance Floors rest on a system of high-density foam to absorb the shock and impact of regular dance movement. This benefits students by reducing fatigue and preventing injury that can result from dancing on hard surfaces. The top layer of our flooring surface is either a professional vinyl composite Marley floor similar to the surfaces used by all professional ballet academies throughout the world, or professional hardwood dance flooring designed to work with the floating underlayment. This flooring cushions our dancers and prevents wear and tear on joints and growing bodies.
- Performing Opportunities: Winter and Spring Recitals, The Nutcracker Ballet, and Competition Opportunities: All Storm Students, both Academy and Competition, are able to participate in our Holiday and Spring performances. Students also have the opportunity to participate in dance competition companies and The Nutcracker Ballet.
- Age-Appropriate Dance Instruction: At Storm, our programs are structured with the age and developmental level of each dancer in mind. We have three different programs to best suit the needs of all of our dancers.
- Preschool and Petite Dance – For Ages 2-6: From the age of 2, children are given a fun introduction to the technical basics of dance in addition to creative movement techniques designed to grow their imagination, movement quality, and love for dance and music. This program provides a solid foundation for future success in Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary and other styles.
- Academy Program – For Ages 6-18: Our Academy Training Program provides challenging and energetic class opportunities for dancers who are choosing to grow and learn outside of the competitive dance environment. Many of our Academy students take part in other activities outside of the world of dance and wish to have a more flexible schedule while still learning from professional and inspiring faculty in a classroom environment that motivates and inspires them to grow as a dancer.
- Competitive Program – For Ages 4-18: We have three competitive programs for the dancer looking for more opportunities to learn and develop their training. Our hip hop only program is the Lighting Dance Team, our Intensity company is for those new to competition or looking for a lower commitment level in a dance program, and our Precision Company is our Pre-Professional option for advanced dancers.
4 Things Every Parent Should Know Before Choosing a Dance Studio
If most dance studios seem to have qualified, friendly teachers, experience teaching children and a big show at the end of the year, aren’t they all pretty much the same? Does it really matter which place you decide to enroll at? Yes, it definitely does! There are 4 main things that can make a huge difference in the quality of instruction your child receives, the amount of extra effort the parents must put into the program, and the overall enjoyment and satisfaction of being involved with a dance program. Here are 4 things that every parent should consider before deciding on a dance studio for their child.
Dance is a very physical activity that requires a lot of jumping, which can put stress on bones and joints. Most dance footwear does not provide any cushioning or support, so the shock of dance movement can place a lot of pressure on the knees and back of a dancer. The best way to prevent against potential injury is by choosing a studio with a professional “floating floor”. A floating floor is a dance floor that rests on a system of high-density foam, to absorb the shock of jumping. A high-density foam base is superior to a “sprung” floor, which usually consists of a wood structure built on the regular floor. All of our studio locations have floating floors that have over 700 high density foam blocks under the floor surface. Our special floors help reduce the risk of injuries and allow students to dance longer without getting tired.
If the dance class has fewer students in it each child will receive more personalized attention, learn more and have more fun. With younger students it is easier for a teacher to maintain control over the class and make sure each student understands the concepts and instructions. Our smaller class sizes in our Academy and Pre-School and Petite Classes make sure that no fundamental concepts are being missed, and the needs of each individual student are being addressed. A smaller class size also allows our teachers to ensure that students are not developing improper technique and feel truly cared about. Our studio limits all of our Pre-School classes (Ages 2-4) to a maximum of just 12 students per class. With our Petite dance classes (ages 4 – 5) we limit all of our classes to a maximum of just 14 students per class. - WHAT ARE THE “EXTRAS” REQUIRED FOR THE YEAR END SHOW?
Most studios put on a year-end show in a professional theatre. Students that perform in the show must have a costume for their dance number. Some studios may require parents to sew their child’s costumes or pay extra and the parents must find their own seamstress to do the sewing. This can be inconvenient and frustrating for parents who are busy or can’t sew. Our studios use our own professional seamstress to sew and alter the costumes, so parents do not have to worry about any costume hassles. Tickets and Photos are the extra costs at our studio. - CAN I GET IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE AND CUSTOMER SERVICE?
In many studios the teacher or the studio owner conducts classes and does the administration. By trying to do two jobs at once, the class may suffer as the teacher has to use class time for customer service issues, or the studio may have no customer service available if the teacher is in a class. To have a good experience it is important to choose a studio that can assist you with details like costumes or schedules, even if a teacher is occupied in a class. Our studios have office staff on hand at the front desk during all regular class times, so you can get immediate assistance. This staff member is also for student safety in case of weather or other emergency to conduct safety protocols.