Lightning Hip Hop Company
Exclusive Hip-Hop Company
About Our Lightning Hip-Hip Team
Our Lightning Hip Hop Team focuses on the Hip Hop genre of dance and will compete with our Intensity or Precision Team depending on the dancer’s skill level and family commitment level desired.
Practices will be held on one to two days a week. Lightning Hip Hop Intensity Team will attend 4 local dance competitions. Precision Company attends 5-6 competitions and nationals.
What is included on Lightning?
- 1-2 Competitive Hip Hop Dances + Production Number
- Solos are optional
- 4 Local Regional Competitions
- 1 Required Convention (Chicago Area), In-House Studio Convention
Classes Included in montly tuition package (per week):
- 1 – Hip Hop class
- 1 – Jazz class
- 2-3 – Competition Dance rehearsals